Friday, February 22, 2008


But That Title Was Wrong
Favor By Coming
Thir Time To Remodel Or Delegates Chosen By
Senator Barack Obama Recently Gave Us A Favor By
Reagan Would Have Returned To Fear But Fear Itself
If Hillary Clinton About The Contradictory
Assault Freedom Piety Politics Religious Right Wing
That Is Their Virtue

Monday, January 21, 2008

Dodgball or calisthenics

If you do not understand that it builds character to every once in a while get smacked in the face with an old worn out volley ball so hard that it leaves the wilson logo imprinted on your face through math class then you have defeated your own statement. Simply put adversity builds character and we coddle our children too much. However judging by your other posts you still have a ways to go in figuring that out.

Its great that you went out and looked for competitive avenues in your life i am happy for you. However if we do not introduce children to competitive games and sports we can continue to expect adults that want the world handed to them on a silver platter because they have no character. Children should be taught there is a winner and a loser in life and that if they don't want to be that loser they should expect to work or play harder then the guy next to them.

I'm not understanding why they dont incorporate proper excercising,healthy eating,and having fun with games all at one time?

when i was in high school thats what our PE teacher did. we would learn health and fitness with text books and videos on some days, he would take us all to the weight room or out to the track and have us excercise on some days and then on others would be like a kick back day where we just played team sports as like a release and to have fun. i had a good time in PE, our teacher taught us both how to take care of ourselves and teamwork and nobody hated it.

ill never understand the mentality of "always fair" because its simply just not true and is dangerous to teach as life in general is not fair about 65% of the time. these kids have to know what its like to win and lose,without it all they are creating are whiney ass bitches who expect everything to fall in their lap because its the fair thing to do.